5th Avenue Holding is a place where people meet whose direction of daily work is defined by new challenges. Established patterns and routine are foreign to us, which makes it the perfect place for those of you who are open to change, approach problems creatively, are committed specialists or ambitious students looking to find satisfaction in their work by passionately realizing projects together. We carry out recruitment processes by publishing online announcements.
For Students
We invite fifth-year students of construction-related fields who want to:
For the best ones, internships can be the first step in joining our team.
We carry out comprehensive investment projects in both commercial real estate sectors: office and hotel buildings, as well as multi-family housing construction.
The company implements a strategy of systematically increasing the scope of investments in various commercial real estate sectors.
The company's wide range of offerings responds to investors' needs and expectations regarding investment security through diversification of building type, standard, and location.